Well here goes nothing...
My first Pinterest '...that just happend!' blog post attempt after my resolution
(see previous post)
** Jan. 2013 Part 1 of 2 **
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doilies, lace, felt garland, pom-pom ribbon, baker's twine...
these are just a few of my current "crafty" obsessions & Pinterest does a fine job growing my love for them. It also provides me with the illusion that I need them in my possession! So in order to honor my 2013 less selfish commitment, we are working at enjoying one of them at a time...hopefully!
I saw this pin on Pinterest a long time ago and instantly was drawn to it's simple & quiet girlie-ness.
Though my life consists of everything boy, I feel that the excessive testosterone roaming around my home causes me to ignore anything feminine leading me to a snake infested, camo filled, monster truck ruled home decor. This boy domination drowns me to the point of an unexplainable need for anything and everything girlie, floral, pink, ruffles, & more and more throw pillows!! And once I finally balance my true desired style with the practicality of my life, I'm left more confused than before.
Here is some of my decor reasoning:
-I guess this will work
-well if this breaks I won't miss it
-less is less expensive
-day dreaming/envisioning costs time not money
-someday I want to (fill the blank)
-splurge on quality on big things, then never use or touch said big/expensive things because big/expensive things might break & they are supposed to last until I die, so don't even look at them!
So with all that mind mush exposed...
My new decor reasoning will hopefully be:
-I'm willing to wait for this
-I'm willing to sacrifice for this
-this is the perfect blend of my family's style
-this is practical, useful, or reasonable
-double check that this isn't a pattern of continual replacement of selfish discontentment
-my husband doesn't hate this
-my husband really likes this
-my kids like this
-I really, really, really like this!
Since I had planned on attempting this idea for a while, the collecting random doilies process was over a 4 month time span (doesn't need to take this long, just was the perfect timing to mull over this idea & my commitment to it!) I got them from my mom, friends, MOPS garage sale, & Sacramento's Antique Fair. I originally planned on bleaching them all to give them a clean cohesive look. But after seeing them all together & enjoying their personal tones, from crisp white to tea stained beige, I decided to embrace their unique eclectic-ness.
My Process: (see above links for other tutorials too!)
TIP #1: Start where or with the dimensions of the final location of runner!
1. Lay out larger doilies first staggering them slightly
2. Fill in by over lapping with medium sized ones
TIP #2: To prevent runner from getting too wide, don't add doilies to the side of very large ones!
3. Fill in empty spaces & add random wavy-ness with smallest doilies
4. Need: Needle, cream thread, scissors.
5. Thread needle and loop through both doilies twice and tie triple knot.
6. Cut thread close to knot and it will blend in unnoticed
7. Continue tying entire runner (took me about a very chopped up 3 hours)
TIP# 3: Either set aside enough time to finish project at one time or store it in a place where it can be left and undisturbed! (I attempted to move it mid process a couple times and just ended up being frustrated because even though I took picture to remember the placements I seemed to fuss with it for extra time getting back to where I liked it.)
8. Enjoy it's unique perfect cuteness!!!
And here is the final product:
So, I'm thinking my first attempt at all this "Erin Craziness" was a success!
Happy New Year...
& here is to many more fun, realistic, cute, practical, projects to come.
1 comment:
I DO really like it. -Scot
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