Friday, December 28, 2012

2013 Goals & Tree Skirts (it makes sense, Trust Me!)

Hi Friends:
Let's just pretend it hasn't been a lifetime since I've last blogged...
denial can be a more sane place to camp for a while!

* * * WARNING * * *
My 2013 goal is to not let my life be a product of computer/social networking/craft dreaming consumpution! So with the fact that I enjoy the connection of Facebook & Instagram, the fun ideas of Pinterest & the life updates of the blogging world... I have made it my mission to:
1. visit Pinterest only once a day/weekdays only 
2. attempt 2 of my pins every month
3. blog my Pinterest attempts
4. blog 2 family or self posts every month
5. enjoy Facebook only twice a day (morning & night)
6. send my friends Birthday & Hello texts/calls/cards (not just Facebook posts)
7. Share a project/sewing design/fabric on store's Facebook page a month
8. Use my freed up time **wisely**
(these goals of mine are in no way a confession of my judgment on others who choose differently or an allowance to others to judge something that I may struggle with & am trying to make a change.)

I have attempted a few of my Pinterest pins over the holiday season, with the inspiration of my friends (message mugs, raspberry sangria, painting pumpkins, kids colored leaf garland, & a few others).  "...that just happened!"
They have been really fun & interesting at the same time! My goals are purely motivated to allow my self to slow down my selfishness.  I truly feel like my personal addiction to social media has been an outflow of me, me, ME! I want to know what is going on, I want to be entertained, I want new ideas for dinner, I want my house to be as cute as hers!
Though these thoughts themselves are not bad (new baby, congrats! funny video, hilarious! new recipe, yummy! easy centerpiece idea, great tip!) 
...It is more of a heart consuming issue.
Giving myself limits / rules / guidelines / time constraints I'm hoping to give myself the gift of TIME to use for other's benefit!!
Time to: spend with God. clean my house. prepare dinner. play with my kids. spend with my husband. enjoy my friends. help others. reach out to my neighbors. serve others. teach my kids lessons. and sooooo much more!

This year I'm going to try something new! Spend time learning, listening, meditating & living out Micah 6:8 

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.
And what does the Lord require of you?
To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God." (NIV)

"But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, 

what God is looking for in men and women. 
It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, and don’t take yourself too seriously— 
take God seriously." (The Message version)

I'm hoping that my attempt to take my "2013 social media lifestyle" down a few notches that it will instantly free up time to go towards Micah 6:8's purpose or even more than that... focus on this verse FIRST, my family second & enjoy social medias last!!

My heart is wildly consumed with God... His love for me, His Gift of Salvation through His perfect son Jesus, His Greatness, His Goodness, His Gloriousness, & His Graciousness, why would I let anything else capture my attention, heart, time, & love?!?!! (oh that's right I'm a mortal human & sinner inneed of that perfect savior Jesus!!) 
I'm praying that this year I can return to my knees constantly humbling myself to be near God, know God's heart, & praise Him for all the He is!! I'm hoping that with The Holy Spirit's power that is alive in me, a focus on Micah 6:8, and setting a few boundaries against my own selfish weakness that this years 2013 goal will allow me to take a small part in furthering His kingdom!!

With all that in mind here is my first Pinterest attempt that I'm going to blog about!
(please keep in mind I'm not a professional/expert/even good blogger! hahaha! And to keep with my less is more theme I will be putting a time limit on even my blogging time!)

* * * Burlap Ruffle No-Sew Tree Skirt * * *

Pinterest inspiration:
Miss Mustard Seed's Blog: She has a link to her tutorial on HGTV's website on her page.

My Final Product:

It was super easy, just a bit time consuming! 
-3 yards of burlap (I alternated dark & light burlap colors)
-hot glue gun & glue
-old tree skirt

my instructions:
-cut burlap in 4 inch strips long ways (BURLAP CUTTING TIP: measure desired length, then pullout thread at that spot. it will leave a perfectly straight gap in the fabric to cut along. EASY!)
-start at the bottom (widest part) of the old tree skirt by the opening (tie part) 
-hot glue top of strip leaving about an inch over the edge
-slightly gather burlap about every six inches or so (for more ruffled look gather more often.)
-continue strip until you reach other side of the skirt 
-start next layer by laying second strip on top of first strip overlapping by about and inch or two
-hot glue top of the second strip repeating previous instructions
-continue strips until you reach the top.

Thank you in advance for the support, prayer, & love towards my 2013 goal!

See you soon...