Friday, October 22, 2010

school days begin....

(I'm trying to catch far I'm almost 2 months behind...I'll get there!)

Our Big Boy Mason started preschool this August.  We were full to the brim with excitment and though everything was perfect Mommy still couldn't hold back the tears.  Let's just say I'm a little nervous for Kindergarten.  He is attending Pre-K at an awesome school in Loomis, SmartStart ( He is doing amazing and loves the teachers, kids, and Ruby (the horse they ride every Wednesday!)  We are thrilled to dive into a whole new chapter in our family's story!

Wake up sleepy boy, it's your first day of pre-school!

Miss Jodi & Mason

Smart Start Preschool

We celebrated his first day with yummy Blueberry-Banana Smoothies...his favorite treat!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

#1 = BOY... #2 = BOY... #3 = ???

Yep, It's true...WE ARE PREGNANT!!
We found out this summer that we are expecting Bernhard Baby #3 in March 2011!!
We are all very excited and can't wait to me our new little Monkey.  Mommy has been very sick, lots of nausea, throwing-up, naps & lots of daddy pampering.  Mason is convinced the baby is a we have been working on encouraging him that though, a sister would really exciting, it would be super fun to have another brother too!  We have decided to wait until the delivery to find out the sex of the baby for an extra thrill during the birth (we were surprised with Mason & found out that Cole was a boy at the 20 week ultrasound)  We are elated about our growing family and are so grateful with the responsibility to raise these sweet babies!!!

Dear my cute #3,
Hi sweet little one, it's your Mom!! Though you are still growing inside me I already know that you are such a big part of our family's story.  We are a little crazy, but I already know that you will love every second of it!!  Your daddy is funniest person I have ever met, and can talk anyone out of a bad mood, he has the best outlook and perspective of how great this life that God has gave us is!  He is so fun and adventurous ready for anything you could throw his way.  He takes such good care of us and is always spoiling me. Your oldest brother, Mason, is so sweet, caring, and very intentional about all the love he gives, he is great at everything he puts his mind too, and he loves anything to do with animals, bugs, sports, or being outdoors.  Your second older brother, Cole, is a wild man full of more energy than all of us put together.  He is a man who knows what he wants and he has learned very early how to talk so that he can make sure we hear and understand his deepest desires and demands.  He, like your daddy, is really funny, and has the silliest little personality, with many different voices, crazy faces, and quirky skits for us!  He also loves being outside and always wants to be playing basketball.  Now on to me, your Mommy, (I might have daddy write something later 'cause this is kind of weird).  Here is a quick list of what I LOVE:
...bringing to life all the crazy crafty ideas in my head,
...a perfect soy Black & White Mocha,
...being lost in worship praising God,
...having a sushi date with your daddy,
...cuddling every night with Mason,
...reading book after book after book to Cole,
...going fabric shopping with Grammy (even though I am a fabric addict),
...getting pedicures with my best friends,
...meeting Peepa downtown for the best lunch ever,
...watching my little brothers grow and learn how to be amazing men,
...camping with all your cousins, aunts, uncles, & grandparents
...stressful, tiring, long, & crazy road trips
...dreaming of all the amazing things God has planned for our family
...and thinking about you, my sweet little bundle that has been designed just for me, and our awesome family!
Love, Mommy