...We're gonna run up a mountain and run and jump and play...a little old school Psalty anyone?
We had TWO amazing camping trips this summer and I think this may have been the easiest it is going to get for a while!! Mason was thrilled to be outside all day and was happy as a little clam running wild in the dirt. Cole was elated trying to follow his brother and his friends around soaking up and hoarding all the dirt and dust that the camp ground had to offer. Daddy was giddy himself due to the fact that some gracious friends lent us their pop-up tent trailer and he set up quite the little resort for our family to enjoy. I was happy enjoying two full weekends with my boys, no interruptions...
Just our FAMILY!!
Just our FAMILY!!
1st Trip: Rollins Lake - Creekside Family Camp
July 15th -18th
Mason & Ryah
Ellie capturing Ed in all his camping-ness
Cole & Ryah...she's a favorite in our house!
2nd Trip: Little Grass Valley - Bernhard Family
August 1st - 4th
My little dirt man!
Thank you Pray family for the carpet idea...it not only was a slight dirt saver but also oddly an invisible baby wranger...they were drawn to it and played on it peacefully!
Uncle Neil & Auntie Liz
Cousins Evie & Tyson
Mason & Nolan
Uncle Steve wasn't there yet so Uncle Neil had to take over the crazy fire duty
Silly boys so giddy to sleep in the same bed!
Grandpa's fishing boat...super fun!
Cousin Brooke...thanks for letting me braid your cute hair!
Cousins Ashley & Amy
The Brothers making a yummy breakfast
Cole, Tyson & Bennet having fun!
Mason, Nolan, Evie, Cole, Amy, Bennett, Tyson, Brooke, Ashley, & Jared
moral of the story...WE LOVE CAMPING & WE LOVE DIRT!!!